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World Changers Christian Academy (WCCA) is not only interested in your child's success but we are interesting in the success of the entire family. We believe parents are the main teachers in every child's life. therefore WCCA will be hosting a monthly parenting workshops that will give you a head start on helping your child to succeed in life.

*Improves Parental Empowerment and Competency, in positive changes in parent's attitudes about parenting as well as their self-esteem and feelings of self-mastery with regard to parenting.

*Increase Positive Parenting Practices, promotes the use of positive parenting practices, such as using positive language, planned discipline and family routines.

*Increases Social Connections, educated the parents to use these connections to exchange parenting advice, provide emotional support, and share resources.

*Improves Child Behavior, increase in their prosocial behaviors and decreases in negative externalizing behaviors.

*Improves Parent-Child Interactions, improve communication skills between parents and children, and result in an overall better understanding between family members.

*Improves Parental Mental Health and Well-Being, parents may also experience short-term improvements in mental health, including decrease in depression, anxiety, anger and stress.

*Decrease the Risk of Child Abuse, help parent learn alternatives to physical punishment and change the family mindset regarding appropriate expectations of children, appropriate family roles, and other values that discourage the use of corporal punishment.


World Changers Christian Academy (WCCA) will be offering the parenting education as a workshops each month without no cost of admission to all the parents community. Our goal is to provide the participants assimilation in the action of each module and pass from "KNOWING" to "DOING".


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